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Good morning guys, I have a question: I built

a JAR with Java 1.6 which calls a SOAP WS. With the functionality of Eclipse of building the WS client from a WSDL it was easy, and the JAR only needs to call the WS and exit with 0 or -1 if the WS answered OK or NOT OK. Easy. The thing is, when I generated the client, i had some errors so i had to add some Maven dependencies such as java rt and stuff like that. When I export and deploy the JAR (it's being executed in other pc), my mates are getting a version error, meaning that some of the classes i had to maven import in the pom.xml are meant to be used with java 1.8 at least and not 1.6... I do not have my problem in local because I have a couple Java versions installed and it picked the correct one automatically. Do you know how to workaround this?

1 ответов

5 просмотров

The 1.6 app that you are building should not even build

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