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Gentlemen, how do I run gradle without invoking the gradle

wrapper, that is, from a locally installed gradle ???

Has someone managed to share the cache of gradle and maven? I don't want to download the same thing twice ???

2 ответов

8 просмотров

Just run: $ cd <my_gradle_project_dir> $ ./gradlew --version $ gradle --version # if versions match, then you can run it directly $ gradle build To easily install/uninstall/switch between different versions of gradle and any other java related dev tools, try: sdkman.io It's the easies way to manage java tools of different versions. Gradle and maven "caches" are very different. Technically, there's no "cache" in maven. Instead, there is local maven repository, which in many cases works just like cache. But it is still maven repository, so you can do almost the same actions on it that you can do on any other non-local repository. And cache in gradle is just a classic cache. The most important difference: you can not "install" your "hello-world" jar into gradle cache. But you can install it into local maven repo. And if you want to simply "do not download same thing twice", use repositories definition in gradle build script this way, order is important: repositories { mavenLocal() // all the other non-local repos }

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