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Hi guys,I have a question about JSP+ JS script within

it. I have a web app where there are 2 tabs, each tab has the same layout, with the same queries and Action in Java. But the name of the business and some data is different in the database so is not exactly the same. The thing is, when I load the web app, some javascript variables that should have different values in each tab (for example amount of columns in a table) have the same. But other times it works and each tab has its own values. I believe it to be a concurrent problem, like it is executing too fast then first tab code and second tab code are overlapping and i'm losing one execution but im not sure about that. Any hints?

2 ответов

2 просмотра


Let me demonstrate how this all look like for everyone except you. I have jsp+js web app. And some database. Something is not working. Any hints? With such few information you can get only those hints: - use debugger - add log statements

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