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Du you have a variable of some sort, where you

pass your queries to?

12 ответов

3 просмотра

i am useing hibernate,,,i used @PersistenceContext

and yes...waith

and yes...waith

There's a setting somewhere suitable only for early development phase. For some reason it is default. Search for "auto-update" or something like that in hibernate configuration. For spring that is in "application.properties/yml"

and yes...waith

That setting is exactly for this beahvior - on each app start it recreates schema based on your java code (entities classes).

and yes...waith

If Iremember it correctly, this behavior goes with "drop-create", you can grep for it

Dmytro Buryak
If Iremember it correctly, this behavior goes wit...

I changed it to update or create and stil there is no tables...and i am using persistense.xml to connect to server

I changed it to update or create and stil there is...

You've mentioned that the tables are not created in your drive. You've also mentioned that hibernate says that the tables are created. How does hibernate confirm that.. I mean, do you do a custom check if table exist (or) are you referring to the standard confirmation from the hibernate inbuilt methods (like persist())?

Velan Chandrasekar
You've mentioned that the tables are not created i...

I dont know why hibernate confrim it but it happend😂

I dont know why hibernate confrim it but it happen...

It cannot persist if the table is not there; I guess you're talking about data missing & not the tables missing. Confirm on that. If you're talking about tables itself missing, then do a manual check to check if the table exists during runtime. This way, you can confirm that the tables are getting created but are also getting deleted at the end of script, somehow.

Peter-Hans Автор вопроса
Velan Chandrasekar
It cannot persist if the table is not there; I gue...

This! And check whether you can select a table after restarting the Program.

I changed it to update or create and stil there is...

In persistence.xml it is done a little bit different way. I'm acutally not sure which takes precedenc, spring's application.properties or hibenate's persistence. I'm pretty sure you're facing issues because of exactly this hibernate's "feature". Your screenshot clearly proves that. And it's not about db configuration, priviledges, or anything like that. That's all hibernate. Here's the first google result: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/306806/hibernate-automatically-creating-updating-the-db-tables-based-on-entity-classes

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