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I have a technical question. Maybe someone has done something

similar and can give an advice. I know it is not a programming related question, but I don't know another place where different people from different parts of the world could probably answer it. And the official forum is not much of a help. So here is the question:
I have a Lenovo ThinkPad yoga 370 which got a liquid damage. The background lighting is not working anymore. Everything else still works. I also get an image output when I connect an external display via hdmi. I saw a new Mainboard on ebay but the seller tells me I have to send the laptop to them, so that they can override the bios or something like that, with a special tool. Is it correct, or do they tell that to earn extra money? The shop seems to be trustworthy. At least, thats what the ratings say. Location is Germany. Maybe someone has already done something similar and can answer the question. Lenovo support ist not a help.

2 ответов

4 просмотра

ask in the general chat. More chances you find someone with experience (and it's not going to be off-topic there)

Peter-Hans Автор вопроса

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