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Hi, I am trying to use the same proxy that is

configured for windows in java by using -Djava.net.useSystemProxies but it is not able to fetch the system proxy for some reason.
I tried to debug the code and found that the native call getSystemProxies() in DefaultProxySelector is returning null.

My question is that do I need some DLL that is missing or there is something off with the proxy configuration on windows?
Any help is appreciated..

12 ответов

8 просмотров

I believe you have to manually set the proxy in the task you are trying to achieve

Check this https://www.baeldung.com/java-connect-via-proxy-server

Anish- Автор вопроса
Пользователь 61653
I believe you have to manually set the proxy in th...

That wouldn't really be helpful in the case I wanna deploy the application to a server where the proxy configuration on the server would be unknown to me. This would mean manual intervention and some sort of configuration that would need to be done while deployment, right?

That wouldn't really be helpful in the case I wann...

Server OS should probably have some System.getProperty() to give you that info

Anish- Автор вопроса
Check this https://www.baeldung.com/java-connect-v...

Thank you.. Although I have tried this already and yes by setting the http.proxy thing I would have to manually set the configuration including excluding intranet IP addresses from being talked to via the proxy

Anish- Автор вопроса
Пользователь 61653
Server OS should probably have some System.getProp...

If the server OS already has something it would be definitely be fetched by the native call I've mentioned above

That wouldn't really be helpful in the case I wann...

I think it depends on where the application will be deployed. Maybe the application server is not behind the proxy and it doesn't need to be configured. If you have a Operations team you should ask them

Anish- Автор вопроса
I think it depends on where the application will b...

Well, the customer site will have it behind a proxy is what I'm sure of. The customer site is something that they control so can't do much there. The best I could do is tell java to use the system proxies. The sad part is, the issue is on our own server rather than customer.


Sorry, my condolences to your team. 😂😂

Anish- Автор вопроса
Пользователь 61653
Sorry, my condolences to your team. 😂😂

Well, I could extend condolences to myself too but then I have to fix this issue. The operations team is Jon Doe, we know he exists but whereabouts are unknown😆

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