html,css& JS at client side and any framework like django,rails at backend?
2.How do I use java to learn back-end development? Apart from core java what are the other things I have to learn to begin backend development using java?
3.How do I connect Spring with html,css,js frontend? Is is even possible? Is there any specific framework of java script that is compatible with spring ? Is spring framework is used for this?
4.Does spring and django used for carrying out the same task i.e. Backend?
5.Is spring boot is sufficient or do I need to learn different modules of spring?
6.Lastly but not the least what kind of projects can I made after learning all this? Here all contains (html,css, js for frontend and spring for backend)
Did u ask these questions google?
Yes - Jakarta EE - GWT, Vaadin - Yes - idk - Java/Jakarta EE Projects
I'll answer your questions, simply because nobody cared to answer me when I was learning 1. Just a fancy name honestly. Anything you host on a backend or is used by a big cooperation could be considered an "enterprise" application 2. Well there are frameworks like Spring, Jooby that do all the heavy lifting for you. 3. Yes you can, webpages, applications connect to the frontend using HTTP requests (POST, GET, PUT, DELETE) - you can read up more about them here In short, you send and receive JSON (Javascript object notation) from a webserver to the frontend (or another backend server) 4. Yes, bingo, there are other popular frameworks like nodejs 5. I'm not sure about spring, but if you're new to backend development, do checkout nodejs first, it's simple to start off and very popular. 6. You don't just have to use HTML/CSS for the frontend, you can use apps as frontends as well (be it Android, ios or cross platform). You can also use backends to communicate with other backends (external APIs or microservices)
Thanks. Do I need to learn JSP, servlets? Are they differ from J2EE? I don't plan on learning nodejs as I don't want to dive deep in js. I want to become a full stack web dev that's why I mainly focus on web apps and web sites.
I have no idea what are those
nodejs tends to be a better jumping off point
That last part reads like a contradiction. You want to be a full stack developer but only develop in Java? Sure, you can find companies that will ship web stuff with JSF or JSP or if it‘s a bit more fancy Spring + thymeleaf. But honestly? A full stack developers job today is to write BE and FE code. Whereas in the Java world that mostly means a REST-API in the backend (Spring, Hibernate, Db stuff) handling the endoints, business logic, etc... and some JS framework in the FE such as Angular, React or Vue. And if you touch the FE you will come into contact with NodeJS, npm and the whole JS ecosystem.
Okay, means nodejs is inevitable
Depends on what you wanna do :) But i‘d say basic knowledge is something to invest time in. Also pick a FE framework of your choice (Angular or React for example) and learn it :)... typescript might also be something worth checking out. But back to the backend as that‘s what this group is about :)
Yeah that's what I meant by recommending nodejs
In order to develop web backend using java you should learn almost all of these
Shouldn't you be able to just serve html?
There is an odd web solution if you are avoiding js like me
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