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Not the words but the manners. Since when is pointing

this kind of behaviour as being entitled? A lot of people could see his attitude as of someone who can't control his emotions. If because of a question of a newbie you loose your temper, that's something you need to workout. There are people who have the patience to explain things without the urge to point "duh why you're asking this, that's stupid". There's no need for that, keep it to yourself, no need to point at me for asking something you see as stupid. Sometimes a person searches for something and maybe they find it but they don't understand it and that's the moment to ask for help. Even being a good programmer doesn't save us from missing a semicolon and loosing our minds for a couple of hours when our code has hundreds and hundreds of lines. You had a bad day? Keep it to yourself when talking to others, no need to be rude. And I've only pointed his behavior, not all the group. For example, the guy who didn't see the scanner.next() and had Scanner.next() instead, I just pointed that he had the uppercase S in the code instead of the downcase and that's it. No problems, he didn't saw it and was new. Then this man started to loose it pointing that why he doesn't know the difference between static and non-static, then saw I've helped him and deleted de messages. So... why is so easy to throw up the gut and jump into "hey, newbie, you don't know that, that's bad". I don't need you to point at me for being an idiot and not seeing my mistake, just help me and if you don't want to do it, keep it to yourself. Imagine working with someone like this, every time you're stuck at something at work, he doesn't come to help, he just calls you an idiot for not seeing that you missed a semicolon. That's what I've pointed about him and what amazes me is that you can't say anything to him because it gets defensive and I'm just entitled and don't know nothing. Maybe I don't know everything but I really know when you're being a dick to someone or even everyone. Maybe that's inside of the education of each person to see if something is really wrong. I've even catched the attention of the admin because of pointing something like this because Robby just was loosing his temper because I was saying what he was doing. But yeah, now I've seen that he can say everything he wants about me and that shows to me how he really is when being confronted and how someone pointing this can be easily banned. I've been for some time in this group and seen it a couple of times, and that's why I don't see it as something to be praised. Being a 5 year old when someone is pointing at your behaviour to others it shouldn't be a bad thing. At least where I live I believe in that as respect. And yeah, we could go on about why these newbies don't search for 8 hours what they don't understand because this group it's just for elite level programmer to talk about concurrency, parallelism etc etc, newbies can't ask anything because they're idiots (as seen by Robby). Well, that's my thinking, but don't hope for much compression and maybe I will get banned 🎻

3 ответов

5 просмотров

I never called anyone stupid, lazy, yes...stupid no.

the main issue is that a lot of people come here with basic questions, not having even tried to look them up (which is in the rules, by the way) and expect people to just walk them through everything

"there're people who have the patience to explain..." - and now you met the one who does not. Welcome to real world. Why you think that if someone posts question then that question is perfect and should be answered right away? Robby is pointing out that there's a problem with the question itself. No need to go down to answer, the question itself is wrong or inappropriate here in this chat. Why not to learn from this? Why not to learn to ask smart questions? Let me explain by example. Imagine that newbie comes to the experienced craftsman with a shovel. And asks to teach him the art of woodcarving with it. Experienced one sais that newbie should go first learn about instruments used in this art and that information is easily accessible. His question is bad, shovel+woodcarving is stupid, question is stupid. He needs to understand instruments available and their purpose first. He's lazy because he didn't put any effort in research. But newbie gets offended and starts saying something like "how dare you", "deal with your attitude" and so on. Those people who have patience explaining something to lazy people are probably paid for that. Otherwise they quickly get bored of doing so. Personally I'm starting. "There's no need for that, keep it to yourself..." and what about applying the same principle to those who gets offended by google/ddg search? He asks question, he gets the answer, he doesn't like the answer and starts spitting venom? Why the one who answers should be patient? Why the one who receives the answer he doesn't like or expect should not be patient and "keep it to himself"? "Imagine working with someone like this, every time you're stuck at something at work" - I would be happy to work with Robby. I wouldn't like to receive help from babysitters, but from great experts. And if someone said me that I did a stupid mistake and should google for "xxx technology" then I would hear them and not started to argue. Again, discussion with such people is great - if he knows for sure that team is going the wrong way with using some tech/approach/method then he would not be silent. Every time I stuck at something at work I google, ask colleagues and HEAR them. Imagine that you came to super-duper-senior dev and asked for help, received an answer (for example he pointed you at book+author to read about it) and started arguing... Damn, that's so stupid that I can't even imagine.

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