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@Dburyak " First one is http session. It is not related

to your "user" business logic entity, instead it is more lower level concept, it is like transport level session concept. Similar to tcp connection.
Yeah. Clear. I am using JDBC session store and there's a fine line between business logics and sessions. I am aware of the theoritical concepts of implementing multiple user authentication. My problem is implementation in Spring Boot (Framework specific problem). Spring Boot 1.x had http session manager which was easier (my opinion). There was a session alias after a successful authentication ```(?_s=x, where x is an unsigned int)```. With Spring Boot 2.x, I am lost. I don't understand the documentation on this particular concept. Note that, I am referring to multiple user login on the same browser.

Recently, I have a system which supports just one active user per browser. Before you log in, it will ask you if you intend to continue with the active user or you intend to begin a fresh session.

I have filter which intercepts all GET requests to /oauth/authorize. OAuth2 authentication. If there is an active session on the browser, the user will be asked if he wishes to continue with the session or login. If he continues with the session and authorization code will be granted. Otherwise, log in, authorization granted.

Any assistance or suggestion plz.

1 ответов

7 просмотров

Ok, now I see where's the problem. Unfortunately, I can't help you, haven't ever implemented this scenario. Brief googling led me to this: https://docs.spring.io/spring-session/docs/2.0.0.M4/reference/html5/guides/java-users.html But it describes the same technique you showed for 1.x. Haven't worked with spring boot 2.x, unfortunately. If I were you, I would simply check sources of spring session of the particular version.

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