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Sorry, but nobody cares that you have not practised. It's

only your fault. You should clearly understand that learning programming generally consists of practice. If you don't do any practice, you won't eventually learn anything. I don't argue that theory is definitely important, but it doesn't make any sense without practice (especially unless you take notes). So go practice right now, code trivial and even dumb things until you manage to code without any syntax errors, and only then learn OOP and other complex things.

And once again: it's absolutely impossible to learn to programme by reading a book while sitting on the sofa, or watching videos on youtube with popcorn. It looks quite familiar, is not it? Your approach to learning programming is fundamentally wrong, you should reconsider everything and most likely start again from scratch, otherwise, you'll continue cluttering up the chat with really dumb questions.

The fact that you're beginner doesn't justify you at all, despite the fact that you haven't practised and learnt anything. Yes, beginners definitely may encounter different kinds of problems even after learning a certain topic, but you literally have not done anything. And yes, please, get used to listening to experienced people, don't blindly ignore someone's mind. Good luck, I hope you'll gain success in programming.

1 ответов

3 просмотра

You helped me lot I know and I m trying my best

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