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Changing the topic, I'm doing something cool about runtime symbol

interposition, it's something interesting because it is planned to be used for debugging purposes, would you be interested if I write an article or something about it?

the final idea is to be able to patch script functions or other low level functions at runtime, for example, replacing a python function of a running process by a C function transparently (so we can improve the performance), or the opposite, patching a C function and injecting JavaScript into it (so it can provide a very flexible way to detour a process with high level languages)

if someone is interested I'll be open to write an article, I'm just investigating right now and wrapping around some ideas, but I plan to make a Proof of Concept soon

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Parra- Автор вопроса

I just have done a PoC about this, I had two options on my head, one by using the standard linker, much more safer and crossplatform but it duplicates the libraries, and another method that patches on the fly the library, it is much more unsafe and platform dependant; I have tried the first one and it works like a charm so I think I'm gonna use that one

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