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Hello, Please I need help with multithreading async methods. List<Task> tasks

= new List<Task>()
images.setupBattery(newTheme.batteryIconStyle, newTheme.accentColor),
images.applyNavbarStyle(newTheme.NavIconStyle, newTheme.NavbarColor),
images.applyIconStyle(newTheme.DashIconStyle, newTheme.DashIconColor),
images.applyCustomDashBackgroundColor(newTheme.DashIconBGStyle, newTheme.ChooseCustomDashIconBGStyle,

await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

This is my code. But i need run every method on single thread. So probably i will need create 7 thread. But i don't know how start every method with single thread. Any idea how create it? Thanks.

5 ответов

9 просмотров

What do you mean? When you start any Task, it automatically starts in another thread

You're running in a GUI app?

Then all tasks are on main GUI thread. Use Task.Run or .ConfigureAwait(false) to use different threads. But then you cannot call GUI methods from there.

Tostisto- Автор вопроса
Then all tasks are on main GUI thread. Use Task.Ru...

It's another project in UWP app. So i have GUI i one project, and logic in another....

It's another project in UWP app. So i have GUI i ...

If you don't use ConfigureAwait, and GUI calls your logic method, they will also execute on main GUI thread.

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