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So, this is completely off-topic question. I asked it in

another group too, just wanna know your views. It just popped up into my head, at 23:35, currently :)
I don't know if it seems completely illogical to you and I look idiot but idc.
but here it is,
'should I make my parents proud or make them happy? assuming that (the condition) I can do only one at all.`
are they both same things for you? why? why not?

3 ответов

11 просмотров

I'm not sure what the correct term for this is, but I read it somewhere here, there's a name for it. (if someone know please tell me it) It sounds you are stuck with a problem that might have a deeper cause in your upper architecture and what you are asking us is already too deep in the rabbit hole for actually being beneficial to you. If, we should discuss the root cause.

To answer this question in a meaningful way we have to see the bigger picture. Otherwise everyone will just answer thinking about their own parents and life situation

It have not easy answer, even if we ignore the context, there are other thinks like the time and change, for example You could leave school/work and start a band, that would make your parents sad and no proud, because is really hard to success as a artist, after a couple of years you could get enough fame to get a stable amount of money and start saving money, now your parents can be happy because at least you are not living in the street anymore, them after more years you become famous, you have money and you are actively doing things to help in your community, now your parents are happy and proud, but all that started after doing what seem like a bad choice but having courage to continue all the way.

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