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Why I get this error ? (Nuxt)

28 ответов

14 просмотров
Mehdi- Автор вопроса

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Its not returning anything. Are you sure your res has anything?

Mehdi- Автор вопроса
Agent Q | You PM me, You Pay
Its not returning anything. Are you sure your res ...

I am sure because I get data client side using nuxt-link only when refreshing page data gets empty and this error apears

Mehdi- Автор вопроса
Mehdi- Автор вопроса
Agent Q | You PM me, You Pay
Try returning or console.log(res)

it goes to catch nothing in then will be executed when this happens

it goes to catch nothing in then will be executed ...

Not sure if I understood you. Since there's nothing, therefore, 'status' as per your original problem can't make a reference against because there's no status in nothing.

Mehdi- Автор вопроса
Agent Q | You PM me, You Pay
Try returning or console.log(res)

when using nuxt-link to go the page I get data

This is saying it cannot read property of 'status' of undefined. Looking down at the trace message, its coming from your getBots method. So not really sure how its calling up a status of something if its not called

Mehdi- Автор вопроса
Agent Q | You PM me, You Pay
This is saying it cannot read property of 'status'...

I've only one plugin that I check status of every request to not be unauthrized

try changing $get to get Remove the $

no difference

which error are you getting?

Mehdi- Автор вопроса
Mehdi- Автор вопроса
screenshot this happens

alright at least its back to the original problem

Mehdi- Автор вопроса
screenshot this happens

Not sure if there's a CORS issue?

Mehdi- Автор вопроса

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