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🚫 I have a 4 dictionarys.it's below const first_dict =


const second_dict = {bid:2,subbid:[9,10,11,98]}

const third_dict = {bid:10,subbid:[33,98,78,93]}

const fourth_dict = {bid:4,subbid:[24,90]}

const five_dict = {bid:78,subbid:[110,33,727,982,829]}

I need to get a bid = 1 subbid all values.

👇 Example below

I input bid = 1

Output = 2,8,3,5,4,9,10,11,98,33,98,78,93,24,90

🥺 Any example or idea for do it?

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@terriblememe @ilyosdev Edited it now

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cont first_dict = {bid:1,subbid:[2,8,3,5,4]} const second_dict = {bid:2,subbid:[9,10,11]} const third_dict = {bid:10,subbid:[33,98,78,93]} const fourth_dict = {bid:4,subbid:[24,90]}

But I'll take a guess at what you mean based on this

const Output = [ ...first_dict.subbid, ...second_dict.subbid, ...third_dict.subbid, ...fourth_dict.subbid ];

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Solution-X Автор вопроса

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