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These articles will be probably too high level, if you

don't have that much experience, but maybe it helps either way?
As software developer, you need to make a lot of decisions. Learn to scavenge hunt for fitting pieces for your project or way of doing things.
Be skeptic and think about situations where tool X can help you, and where it won't help you. Don't buy into software blindly, but give it a try, see if it fits to your way of working.
There are always some trends in how to accomplish things. You can follow them only to find out you dislike the way how things are done, or find your own way. But your team needs to learn how they want to work together in the end.

2 ответов

13 просмотров

I am trying different ways to get to my own solution but even for that I jsut need to knwo where to start coz a couple of hours ago I was like I donno nothing so I gonna fail...

Misan- Автор вопроса
I am trying different ways to get to my own soluti...

That is the typical emotional rollercoaster you have with developing stuff :D It will always be a surprise if it will work out, when you try something for the first time.

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