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I was really facing some problems understanding stdin stdout and

stdin(I a beginner)

Ik my doubts were silly.....and it took me apporx twoo hours to clear that doubt..... Will I be able to learn linux at all?... If I dont even understand easy topics like this?

2 ответов

11 просмотров

it's nice if you didn't get bored and spent tow hours of reading or doing your thing, those stdin , stdout concepts would be so ez if you had some programming experience, but here's my suggestion: pick an lpic book, start reading it, and don't rely on community, most of the time they just bully us :)) just test it out what you read in that book, and at the end you have the general knowledge of linux :) ps: best place to ask your questions is irc, try it, it's way more better than stack over flow or exchange or telegram groups or anything else, also reddit is not a bad place if you don't have time to get into irc

Just keep on exploring Linux for your daily usage. Always google for the commands that you do not know. Once you get comfortable with the terminal, try some stuff on overthewire.org (Bandit wargame). Personally I find it amazing for learning Linux. Also, move on to other wargames as you get more experienced in Linux.

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