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Hi, I wonder if there is a way to use

a headset (as a headset!) with A2DP? The problem is when switching to A2DP I've to select whether I want to use it as a mic or as headphones, however I'd like to use both at the same time, but when using HSP/HFP it sounds so crappy that it's painful (it basically sounds like having an empty can of conserved food as a speaker).

14 ответов

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Matthias-Hoffmann Автор вопроса

But why? Android, Windows and according to reports of others MacOS and iOS are capable of delivering High-End-Audio over bluetooth as headset, why is linux unable to do it? I mean it would be ok if it was not High-End, but sounding like out from speakers made out of scrap metal is not even medium quality...

Matthias-Hoffmann Автор вопроса
Martin Rys
No OS can do it, it's a BT limitation.

Well obviously they can. Back then when I used Windows (which is some years back now) I even had the same bluetooth controller then on linux and it was much better on windows. Even better as with cable on Windows or Linux. My android can deliver audio both ways much better then over cable, but still Linux can't. So it's obvious that other OS can do it. And it's not just me, a lot of people are reporting good audio quality in both ways on other OSs...

Matthias-Hoffmann Автор вопроса

Well on DC others can hear me and I can hear them, while they don't sound like out of a trash can and also they can hear me. And even if I start music it sounds as good as it gets while others can still hear me talking...

Matthias-Hoffmann Автор вопроса

No, but they could hear me from other rooms as clear as right next to the phone, so as long as there is no secret hidden microphone in my kitchen, it's gotta be the headset one...

Matthias-Hoffmann Автор вопроса

How? Should I search for radio signals coming from my kitchen? And also how is it supposed to connect to my phone without showing up anywhere? So I think as long as we don't make up a big conspiracy theory about hidden microphones and hacked devices in a lot of buildings to support a lie about bluetooth it's pretty much save to say that it is actually the headset...

Matthias-Hoffmann Автор вопроса

But if the devices are hacked and have a secret input it could be piped into mumble too...

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