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I want to download filezilla server on my remote linux

machine , i use curl for downloading the url that is provided in here
therefor i type the following command to download the application on my server :
curl https://dl4.cdn.filezilla-project.org/server/FileZilla_Server_1.8.2_x86_64-linux-gnu.deb?h=i5VzN8k-xTzM0bHlM70SRw&x=1722340026
but it keeps giving redirects (it downloads ok when i use firefox for downloading it on my local laptop)
i use the -L flag on curl to handle the redirects but it returns me to the download page instead of actually downloading the file :/ i'm confused about what to do in this situation and would appreciate your help

6 ответов

15 просмотров

"It is highly recommended to use the package management system of your distribution or to manually compile FileZilla"

mohammad- Автор вопроса
Raptor Blue Bear
"It is highly recommended to use the package manag...

i'm using debian , and i couldn't find any thing for the server application in apt

mohammad- Автор вопроса
i'm using debian , and i couldn't find any thing f...

apt search filezilla Sorting... Done Full Text Search... Done filezilla/stable 3.63.0-1+deb12u3 amd64 Full-featured graphical FTP/FTPS/SFTP client filezilla-common/stable 3.63.0-1+deb12u3 all Architecture independent files for filezilla libfilezilla-common/stable 0.41.0-2 all build high-performing platform-independent programs (translations) libfilezilla-dev/stable 0.41.0-2 amd64 build high-performing platform-independent programs (development) libfilezilla34/stable 0.41.0-2 amd64 build high-performing platform-independent programs (runtime lib) it seems only the client is listed in apt

apt search filezilla Sorting... Done Full Text Se...

still leaves you with manually compile FileZilla

Could be that you don't supply a user agent and treated righfully as a bot

mohammad- Автор вопроса
Richard | If you DM for support you PAY
Could be that you don't supply a user agent and tr...

I actually did set a user agent even the same as Firefox still didn't work Anyway i resolved my problem by downloading it on my laptop and then moving it to my server via scp Thanks anyway

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