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Hello everyone! I have a REALLY STUPID QUESTION... !!!GET READY!!! First will

be short story about me and my Linux Experience:
So, I tried Linux a few times in the past. My first distribution was Linux Mint Cinnamon. Than I moved to the Ununtu, because I heard it's mainstream distro in Linux community.
After I tried Ubuntu, decided for something more extra ordinary, far away from Windows style. First distribution was of course Elementary OS. After this one I tried Manjaro Plasma KDE (i hope it's correct name of the version), because I watched a stream/video of YouTube channel CHRIS TITUS TECH LINUX. I was totally happy and satisfied with OS, I had everything what I need. But after some time, one game came out and my friend suggested me to buy it. And of course I installed Windows and spent A LOT OF TIME on this game. It was worth it, I had so much fun. And now I am done with gaming, because I played/tried everything what I was interested in. Nothing left for me. Really. And now I remembered the main problem.
1. Why adding external hard drive is so *** hard? I can't make it auto mount at the start. With those all stuff like permissions, read only/write, point of mount, path and so on.

And yeah. Which one distro is most suitable for user, who wants just open and use it + almost 0 random errors/stupid problems with everyday stuff (most stable I guess).
Because I heard reputation of Ubuntu dropped because of something about privacy (correct if I am wrong).
AMD Ryzen 7 1700x
Radeon RX 570 8GB
16GB DDR4 2400 MHz
2x SSD's (both 128GB) and 1x 1TB HDD
Currently on WIN10 Pro.....

Thanks in advance and have a nice day!

6 ответов

16 просмотров

I'd suggest Fedora

you have a nice night too

🤔 I haven't had any problems what so ever with external hard drives. They mount automatically in KDE plasma and gnome.

You dual boot windows?

For stability Debian would be the way to go

Quality in ubuntu was not really there in the first place and thats down to development and product lifecycle.

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