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Interface Oof { yikes_enabled: boolean yikes_string: string |


I'm sure that if yikes_enabled === true then yikes_string won't be undefined
Can I somehow make TS check that? If yes, how to Google it 😵‍💫

5 ответов

7 просмотров

type Foo = | { enabled: true, string: string } | { enabled: false }

Usma-Csce Автор вопроса
MUTHU・KUMAR 「メーカー」 🔺
type Foo = | { enabled: true, string: string } ...

Thank you! I have more properties in my actual interface, should I switch whole interface to type? Also when to use type vs interface? I use types mainly for stuff like type Boof = “borf” | “bark” | “woof”

Usma Csce
Thank you! I have more properties in my actual i...

I don't use interface at all. There's nothing interface can do that type can't.

Usma-Csce Автор вопроса
MUTHU・KUMAR 「メーカー」 🔺
I don't use interface at all. There's nothing inte...

type BorkGoal = { goal_enabled: true, goal_message: string } | { goal_enabled: false } export type Bork = BorkGoal & { id: number username: string Like this?

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