Похожие чаты

Viduna .lk site is protected by CloudFlare & aws firewall.

using chrome browser open viduna,.lk site after it redirect to like this picture captcha page(it redirect reason is viduna.lk set aws firewall rules. i m thinking aws firewall rules triggered by Geographic match rule statement (in this documentation)

we sloved aws waf (web application firewall) captcha after aws-waf-token cookie saved in client side(.next time not given any captcha. beacuse we already sloved the captcha.


i need to send request to viduna.lk site and fetch the site. but can t do it. request after aws waf given captcha challenge. my final question is anyway to bypass aws waf captcha (without sloving captcha) or anyway to slove aws-waf captcha? (i find many articles & github about it, but i fail to find answer for my problem)

i check send request to viduna.lk site using diffrent location, but all requests return 405 - method not allowed error.

i need any idea about in this case from experts🙏😔

25 ответов

7 просмотров
Solution-X Автор вопроса

report about diffrent location request viduna.lk site https://check-host.net/check-report/9e691eak22f

Solution-X Автор вопроса

aws-waf captcha (puzzele) example

Solution-X Автор вопроса

@TRGWII @Suppen sir any idea about it .

Impossible to understand what you want to do from this

Solution X
screenshot aws-waf captcha (puzzele) example

that size is a puzzle mess, what do you want with it

Solution-X Автор вопроса
Impossible to understand what you want to do from ...

I need to send request viduna.lk and get reponse

Solution X
I need to send request viduna.lk and get reponse

Looks like they don't want you to do that

Solution X
I need to send request viduna.lk and get reponse

Looks like you already did, and got that captcha page response

Solution X

Well I just passed the bot test

Looks like you already did, and got that captcha p...

Successful captcha page response received ✅

Solution X

Simple put a dot at the end of the car track

Solution-X Автор вопроса
Looks like you already did, and got that captcha p...

No no. I get 405 status code method not allowed response. I need to get 200 status code reponse . It mena i need to get viduna.lk site html page

Solution-X Автор вопроса
Solve the captcha?

Yes. Need to do it using javascript .but i not have to idea do it

Solution-X Автор вопроса
Sounds like a difficult problem

Hire a pro scraper from fiverr

Solution X
Yes. Need to do it using javascript .but i not hav...

lookup how older versions were solved, shouldn't be much different

Solution-X Автор вопроса
Friday Candour [Ask to PM]
Build an AI for it then

I know it I need idea for do it? Any liberary for it? What is automatically best way to slove this captcha /puzzles. Anyone can explain process about sloving captcha / puzzles

Solution-X Автор вопроса
Hire a pro scraper from fiverr

🤕 why sir i ask method here. I need to learn about it and do it using my own javascript code

Solution-X Автор вопроса
Sounds like a difficult problem

Yes 😞 i find method around 4 days about this case

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