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What new nfts are you checking out mates ?

28 ответов

95 просмотров

Naughty Moai. Heard about it before?

Xavier-Skyler Автор вопроса
Naughty Moai. Heard about it before?

None that I can think of, pls tell me about it

Naughty Moai. Heard about it before?

I think I’ve seen this naughty Moai before it’s a hyper realistic nft adventure project

I think I’ve seen this naughty Moai before it’s a ...

Yea buddy, it’s a metaverse NFT project built on Eth chain

Yea buddy, it’s a metaverse NFT project built on E...

NaughtyMoai is trying to merge virtual into real world to create an amazing adventure and fun filled experience for its holders

NaughtyMoai is trying to merge virtual into real w...

That’s right and this definitely sounds cool to me

That’s right and this definitely sounds cool to me

I know right, it has a collection of 6000 unique art inspired images

Xavier-Skyler Автор вопроса
NaughtyMoai is trying to merge virtual into real w...

This Naughty Moai sure does sound amazing I like adventure

You bet buddy it’s great

Also it’s mint price it pretty affordable too

Also it’s mint price it pretty affordable too

True it’s pretty cheap, makes it easier for more people to get their hands on it and with its low supply I bet it would be sold out

True it’s pretty cheap, makes it easier for more p...

Yeah everyone can easily get their hands on it lol

NaughtyMoai is trying to merge virtual into real w...

/report no promotions here @binanciangirl @Dean_Khan

Semeer kv
/report no promotions here @binanciangirl @Dean_Kh...

Semeer kv struck by luck. 15 XP for this Binancian.

True it’s pretty cheap, makes it easier for more p...

Nauman (Binance Angel) 🇵🇰 has muted Alex for 9999 minutes

Nauman (Binance Angel) 🇵🇰

Nauman (Binance Angel) 🇵🇰 (1475) has increased reputation of Semeer kv (416)

Xavier Skyler
This Naughty Moai sure does sound amazing I like ...

/report @dean_kha @binanciangirl no promotions

Xavier-Skyler Автор вопроса
Semeer kv
/report @dean_kha @binanciangirl no promotions

Hey man I just curious to what they saying

Xavier Skyler
Hey man I just curious to what they saying

Here not allowed . not allowed. Binance NFTs discussions only

Xavier-Skyler Автор вопроса
Nauman (Binance Angel) 🇵🇰

Nauman (Binance Angel) 🇵🇰 (1478) has increased reputation of Semeer kv (417)

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