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Haven’t you heard of that whale signaI group that give

50-100x calls every week? Check it in my profile BIO❗️

21 ответов

16 просмотров

Here Only binance related discussion allow!

/report @Dean_Khan

Angleo Mathes Bhai

Angleo Mathes (11) has increased reputation of Amyra ❣️ (2)

Other talks not allow,,,,only binance NFTs

/report @Dean_Khan

Don't spam

/report @Sahib_BNB @Dean_Khan

Don't spam

Jayesh Chopra
/report @Dean_Khan

Every contribution is appreciated. Jayesh Chopra you just received 15 XP

Nauman (Binance Angel) 🇵🇰 has muted Ian for 9999 minutes

!w no promotion here

Cyndy Hoàng Minh. 🏅 struck by luck. 15 XP for this Binancian.

Alex Ferguson struck by luck. 15 XP for this Binancian.

Nauman (Binance Angel) 🇵🇰

Nauman (Binance Angel) 🇵🇰 (1940) has increased reputation of Jayesh Chopra (1)

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