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Hi there, somebody knows the best resource to learn JS

besides it's documentation?

I was taking the course of Jonas Schmedtmann but there's some videos missing on youtube and idk if is worth to pay the full course (85 bucks on udemy) or is there any other resource, a good book or something, which covers all he did in his course

11 ответов

28 просмотров

Personally I think learning from udemy courses or the like is the worst thing you can do... Udemy courses give you very little, maybe a false sense of achievement. I would personally suggest going with freecodecamp or the odin project, but stick with one to the end.

D-H Автор вопроса
Personally I think learning from udemy courses or ...

I thought the same until I discovered this course, this guy really knows how to explain everything in a simple way, freecodecamp isn't that complete as this one. And because english is not my native language, this resource is really useful for me. (Reading technical docs is a little bit more difficult for non-native-english-speakers tbh) But well, I think I'll have to pay lol

I thought the same until I discovered this course,...

I don't know this specific course so I wont advise strictly against, but as a conecpt in general, learning from udemy courses usually does not provide a deep understanding of the topics, but very shallow examples, but hey, don't let me decide for you...

Personally I think learning from udemy courses or ...

Agreed. And besides, Udemy courses are very expensive.

I don't know this specific course so I wont advise...

have you tried udemy courses? it's a big platform I dont think it makes sense to group all their courses together. There are some great instructors, and probably many bad ones too.

have you tried udemy courses? it's a big platform ...

I have, and again, I can't say that I checked all the courses, but from the experience I do have with it, there's only so much that can be covered in a free udemy course, or even in a paid one, in comparison to covering the essentials in depth through a full blown course. The udemy courses I saw were considered some of the best at the time (not too long ago) yet they covered outdated material (AJAX, JQuery etc...), they gave a shallow overview on the material (never encountered serious talk about deep topics as closures, event loop, and other fundementals, and gave a sense of achievment by providing you some guide to creating a basic project. For me personally, that's not good enough for someone who is looking for (and I quote): "best resource to learn JS besides it's documentation"

Pedro Aguiar
Agreed. And besides, Udemy courses are very expens...

Not really, I bought this course last month just for ₹385 ($5)

D-H Автор вопроса
Blade Runner™
Not really, I bought this course last month just f...

Oh, there must be some sort of Purchase Power Parity compensation in the pricing then. Here it's expensive as heck.

can you rank it from 1-10?

Actually i have not started the course yet

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