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IPMORTANT! I was sleepy and pressed the discard all changes

button, then my 1 month effort disappeared. How can I get it back?

14 ответов

4 просмотра

You didn't commit for a whole month?

If you didn't commit for a whole month, consider it a very important and expensive lesson. Your changes are lost. You should commit multiple times a day

You could try to "undo" the change with Ctrl+Z or something similar, off you've saved the file beforehand. In any case, this is a beautiful cautionary tale of the importance of committing often. If I were in your position, I'll take this lesson to heart.

Press ctrl z it will undo

ctrl z doesnt work? it seems to work for multiple people even after file closed

If you didn't commit for a whole month, consider i...

i don't commit everything is local, i'm a lazy uploader beside i didn't even create a repo i consider github like a Google drive, so i can share code everywhere US trend like to make us so that we follow everything they make github is a drive, so i could commit it to my iCloud, google drive a project, is just a folder 📂, zip it and share😂

Telegram Pro
i don't commit everything is local, i'm a lazy upl...

Wow! That's so incredibly simple! I wish I and pretty much all devs around the world had thought of that before! Why would any dev want to use git when you can just use a zipped folder? Git just adds complexity for no benefit. It might even be harmful! Git requires stuff to be installed on your computer, and who knows what's in that stuff? It could be malware for all you know! I will now free myself from Big Software and uninstall git and remove all my code from github and gitlab, and just keep it zipped on google drive. Thank you so much for opening my eyes!

Wow! That's so incredibly simple! I wish I and pre...

But each time u change ur code, you'll have to upload it's state in google drive. This will create many copies of ur project at different points of time. Also other devs in ur team won't be notified exactly in which file changes were made. If it's a very small personal project one can use google drive still Edit: I am talking about github and git both above

12 Nothing
But each time u change ur code, you'll have to upl...

lmao no need to have github to notify my coworkers lol there are plenty methods, as i said i don't follow the just just to follow i don't like ,i won't follow i like to be free when it's my personal project but if i'm working under another boss, yeah i will follow his rules but if i'm the boss i won't force any of my coworkers to work with github just because the worldwide use it

Wow! That's so incredibly simple! I wish I and pre...

i mean i'm realy lazy commiting and writing comment argh a real developer don't have time for it i consider github as a web app, so wether i upload it there or not my code has to remain the same outside i like everything in local just because i have materials for it, i will buy mini servers if required who knows? if later they ban u( as in regard of huawei, russia...etc) , u still have ur own backup that's how i work to not being depending of any company even my source code i want it to be completely open source even plugin so that I could remove everything

Telegram Pro
i mean i'm realy lazy commiting and writing commen...

I'll quote GLaDOS: "One day we'll remember this and laugh. And laugh. And laugh. Oh boy."

I'll quote GLaDOS: "One day we'll remember this an...

simen... well what's the meaning behind this bro?

Telegram Pro
i mean i'm realy lazy commiting and writing commen...

@solooo7 I thought it that message was ironic for comedic purposes, but guess what

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