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When do you have a situation where you manually set

an array index? Use splice or push If you must be alter the array

7 ответов

11 просмотров

My problem is that I'm not doing that :)) let history = [] const [shapes, setShapes] = useState([]) const handleUndo = useCallback(() => { if (!history.length) return history.pop() let isFound = false for (let i = shapes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!history[history.length - 1]) return if (shapes[i].id === history[history.length - 1].id) { isFound = true shapes[i] = history[history.length - 1] break } } if (!isFound) { shapes.pop() } setShapes(shapes) }, [shapes])

Misan- Автор вопроса
My problem is that I'm not doing that :)) let...

Oh they use the index as identifier for another array. Why not use the id property? It seems like a duplicated check. Unnecessary complexity

My problem is that I'm not doing that :)) let...

heyyo how do you know when to use () or {} in code? [] is for array but I get confused with other brackets

12 Nothing
heyyo how do you know when to use () or {} in code...

The code that you saw above is react not vanila js :)

12 Nothing
heyyo how do you know when to use () or {} in code...

it's language syntax, you have to learn it according to the docs

12 Nothing
Ok i guess i shud focus more on docs ...

Learn primitive types vs reference types conditionals, guard clauses loops functions, passing functions to functions, returning functions from functions, arrow functions, iife array methods prototype chain event loop Destructing, spread Dom manipulation Promises, async await Make something small with it then you should be ready for a framework

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