squeeze. I am tired of the same endless speculation with no new ideas since 1 week. There is nothing we can do about the way celsius communicates and there are no news. there is nothing we can do about their business decisions, who they cooperate with, how to enable withdrawals, and there are no news. I'm happy to hear about any new on-chain transactions. those are rare. I'm happy to hear updates on the shortsqueeze because here I can still make decisions, and actually have to, because I am taking part and don't wont to go out with a loss. I have set up myself up with a bunch of tabs checking ftx cel order books, checking the APR percentage. checking the liquidity. I'm checking how strong the hashtag is trending. To me, this squeeze is an opportunity. I learned about the withdrawals being locked by email, I might as well find out by email what's next. ok, rant done. is there another channel for shortsqueezers where I don't have to scroll for hours to find info that is relevant to me now? And on top get dissed for caring about it?
Fair enough. One last trade to make it all back. It works often🤣
Good luck on your trades
so far I made double.
Another one bites the dust...! Banned Exodus. Reason: Be respectful or you'll end up like this person!
What did Exodus do?
You guys literally banned a guy who was here a few months ago wanting to buy CEL with usdc
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