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Anyone can suggest me a co-op dev team group for

open source project ?
whether it's on telegram or outside ( discord, Facebook, websites....) i'm down to collaborate with them
i'm in real need now, cuz alone it will take months to get it done all the module parts

18 ответов

2 просмотра
Telegram-Pro Автор вопроса

oh well i have already something in mind a headless cms with node js well customized where a newbie or senior could revamp it from scratch as their need( i did start it already i'm at 5% from the whole project i'm planning to do since months already, so a hand will great 😫 ) but if u noticed, some frameworks tend to lock u down with their own pattern and force u to follow up their way, i don't like tho

Telegram-Pro Автор вопроса
Well that sounds doable by one person to me

i hope u are joking right? be serious for a moment

Telegram-Pro Автор вопроса

i guess u don't code real hard, like u code : "let x = 1+y " and u think u know everything huh? take a look at ''strapi, graphcms, payload cms, contenful, directus, keystone''...etc then tell me if it's a solo work , i'm not joking rn , i'm serious about , it's those genre of open source project i'm talking about

You are a joke

Telegram-Pro Автор вопроса
You are a joke

Alok please stop it the way u are talking rn is decreasing the productivity of people who have the will to really co-op

Telegram-Pro Автор вопроса
you need to replace "Alok" with your name

let it go now please i guess u don't like me

Telegram Pro
i guess u don't code real hard, like u code : "let...

You said yourself that you are an amateur. You refuse to write comments, saying "real programmers don't have time for that". You refuse to use version control. Is it possible that you are simply making things way harder than they need to be? Or that you aren't as skilled as you think you are?

Telegram-Pro Автор вопроса
You said yourself that you are an amateur. You ref...

what .... if u think u can code in co-op let's team on the dev project u have Microsoft team or zoom , we make it live i'm pragmatic i will show u right now where i'm on the project

Telegram Pro
what .... if u think u can code in co-op let's te...

Hire employees, you won't find someone who'll code on microsoft team or zoom

Telegram Pro
what .... if u think u can code in co-op let's te...

I can absolutely code with people. I am a team lead with 9 years professional experience, and 16 years total programming experience. I can also tell you the chance I will code with you is zero. You just want everything done your way, completely ignoring everyone else while complaining all the time about how hard stuff is and how hard you are working. You refuse to listen to advice, and appear to have no idea what you are doing

Telegram-Pro Автор вопроса
I can absolutely code with people. I am a team lea...

see? u just badmouthing something out of nowhere if u remember back then i said, i'm looking to work with everyone about js, adobe xd, html5 css3...etc in what i was against someone please read content well

Here you were given a concrete project to work on. You just rejected it because you wanted other people to work on your project

Telegram-Pro Автор вопроса
Here you were given a concrete project to work on....

i was clearly with it but it seems like u took it in the wrong way

Telegram Pro
i guess u don't code real hard, like u code : "let...

I could do a basic headless CMS in one day dude

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