Похожие чаты

Do you know how to fix it? if i add

/src/ in my readFile string it works but i dont want to resolve like this, why am i forced to use specify src?

I start my app with

npx ts-node-dev --respawn --transpile-only src/test.ts

18 ответов

6 просмотров

Because readFile is relative to your current working directory

Filiberto- Автор вопроса

Is this command ran after cd'ing into src?

Filiberto- Автор вопроса
Is this command ran after cd'ing into src?

i just use it to compile my ts file

i just use it to compile my ts file

So your current working directory is not src

Filiberto- Автор вопроса
So your current working directory is not src

how can i tell to ts to consider src as my working dir?


I think use process.cwd() in the readFile instead of ./

Filiberto- Автор вопроса
I think use process.cwd() in the readFile instead ...

can i do something wiht typescript config?

can i do something wiht typescript config?

I think that is completely unrelated to readFile. the tsconfig stuff is for telling the compiler where to look when it builds the ts into js

Filiberto- Автор вопроса



// tconfig.json { "compilerOptions": { "rootDir": "src", ... "ts-node": { "transpileOnly": true, "files": true, "compilerOptions": { "rootDir": "." } } }

how can i tell to ts to consider src as my working...

cd src && npx ts-node-dev --respawn --transpile-only test.ts

Filiberto- Автор вопроса
Filiberto- Автор вопроса
cd src && npx ts-node-dev --respawn --transpile-on...

it works but i dont want to go inside src, like this

it works but i dont want to go inside src, like th...

That's what "current working directory" means

Filiberto- Автор вопроса
That's what "current working directory" means

shouldn't be related to the file where Im writing the code?

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