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Can someone explain something to me? Celsius filed chapter 11

cause they want to resume operations, that would entail that they will reopen withdrawals at some point otherwise old or new entity noone would deposit funds with them, am I wrong?

5 ответов

9 просмотров

Yes, but that still relies on the company remains operational and profitable, so that the hole can heal overtime. That is why some kind of recovery plan is needed if we go this route.

Dr. KC Luck
Yes, but that still relies on the company remains ...

Very true. Needs a rebrand. And if those credit cards come out then that is income not associated with crypto. But also be huge rebrand needed for that as well. CC was about to drop and all the cards were made so hope that is part of the plan

Yes, that is the risk. And what could harm depositors more is if the current management choose to protect their interest and equity rather than let go and usher in new equity and business model, it is going to battle in court for a long time.

Dr. KC Luck
Yes, that is the risk. And what could harm deposit...

Yep that's why Alex needs to go for sure and why I personally think I'd take the immediate haircut. That's me though. Time to truly "unbank" myself.

Yep that's why Alex needs to go for sure and why I...

i would take just about any % haircut if it mean i got paid out right now

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