Похожие чаты

Yes I assigned to do simple crud in mvc. created form

with multiple fields and controls
I hv one radio button for saving status of user.Active and Inactive.

Now I created in Create.cshtml and when users fills its get saved and displayed in Index too.

Now if user wants to edit record, in the edit page I hv to display radio button with value clicked inbuilt.

How do I do this? can u help

9 ответов

3 просмотра

Save the value from db and load it when rendering the view

i-aspirant Автор вопроса
i aspirant
yes how do I do could u elaborate a little

Search “asp net core entity framework tutorial”

i-aspirant Автор вопроса
Liza 丽莎
Search “asp net core entity framework tutorial”

nope it's not abt ef....I just wants pass the radiobutton value in to edit page with selected value....I performed everything

i-aspirant Автор вопроса
Liza 丽莎
You saved it to db?

yep saved in db and retrieved in Index page too.i just hv one radiobutton field tat when user set value in Create.cshtml and its displaying in Index and database also.perfectly running. Now I just need to fetch the selected value of radiobutton from Index to Edit.cshtml coz if user wants to edit a record, I need to show the radiobutton with selected value in edit page.

i aspirant
yep saved in db and retrieved in Index page too.i ...

You can fetch it from the db the same way as you did for the first page right?

i-aspirant Автор вопроса
Liza 丽莎
You can fetch it from the db the same way as you d...

but in Index I fetch collection of fields as record. Here I just need to fetch the ra0diobutton valuel with whatever value it is selected.

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