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I have created a console application an running it using

task schedular on my local system. Can i host it on some server or cloud?

5 ответов

9 просмотров

Yes. Although, you would have a harder time calling your local machine from the cloud. It has to be accessible from there. If the task scheduler does something else, then it'd be fine. Look into worker services, as they allow long running background tasks. Also, there already exist various task scheduling libraries like Hangfire, that you can use.

I’d recommend HangFire. We use it at work and it’s great.

Nikhil Desai- Автор вопроса
Shafiq Jetha
I’d recommend HangFire. We use it at work and it’s...

Is it cloud base or will run on my local machine

Nikhil Desai
Is it cloud base or will run on my local machine

It runs in the same process as the web server, so when it starts then the task scheduler starts.

Shafiq Jetha
It runs in the same process as the web server, so ...

So it runs wherever the application runs. I think you have to modify IIS to keep the process running but that’s about it.

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