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Everyone, how do you deal with creativity block? I've been

trying to come up with a good idea for game for MONTHS now, and I just can't make any progress. every thing that comes to my mind seems to me like a pale version of what already exists. I can't even come up with a fresh core mechanic. Ironically, I know how to code but there is nothing to code. I've told all my friends that I will present my game in a couple of months in order to deprive myself of possibility to postpone the development and to force myself to actually work but NOTHING was done and 50% of time was wasted. Everyday I stare at my computer's screen like a dumbass desperately trying to make my neurons do shit. I want to kill myself. I see all those indie devs who somehow manage to create innovative, engaging games in less than a couple of months and I want to end all of this. I know how to do proper game design, how to keep the code clean, I know many iconic games and what made them iconic - but without finished projects of my very own I am nothing, all this knowledge is worthless unless put to practice. I think I'll give up in a week or so, so I decided to ask yall guys as the last measure. I'm going insane and I hate the guy in the mirror by now

4 ответов

8 просмотров

What if you fuse your ideas? Some of the most creative games are just fusions of two different games or genres. Part of creativity is making something interesting out of the mundane, so I think it would work.

Насценька ♥️🥀🗡- Автор вопроса
Omar Diaz
What if you fuse your ideas? Some of the most crea...

oh trust me, I've tried. I'm making a shooter game, and I tried mixing it with other genres - parkour runner, for instance. But you know what? Ghostrunner and Titanfall already exist. I tried mixing FPS with superpowers, but F.E.A.R. and The Darkness already exist. Hell, I even tried mixing FPS with deck-building games, but I just couldn't see how to implement the idea, it seemed dull to me. I think I've fused every idea in existence, you can call me a fusion reactor. A crappy, broken fusion reactor

Насценька ♥️🥀🗡
oh trust me, I've tried. I'm making a shooter game...

Well, just because something has been done before doesn't mean you can't do it. If that was the case then games such as Saints Row, Terraria, nearly all JRPGs in existence, Cities:Skylines, practically all Visual Novels, half the Shooters and Remakes would not exist.

Насценька ♥️🥀🗡
oh trust me, I've tried. I'm making a shooter game...

That is exactly how idea generation works. You take a concept, add a new spin to it. As long as you aren't creating asset flips you're good :D

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