work on my Player Interactions with the World.
The player presses the Button "Hunt" which is possible everywhere but currently i focus on forest's. What i had in mind is basically this:
Button Press sends Information to "ActionController" with the Information "I want to hunt". The ActionController 'looks' then around which Forest ist nearest to the player to make sure the correct Forest's Stats are altered.
Then, the ActionScript sends the Information to the "HuntMechanic" which calculates everything. Lets say, it gives back "Yup. Succees. Gratulations you are not hungry anymore".
Those are three Steps because i dont want every script be so unbelievable big and instead focussing on "everything just does one thing and nothing else". Would that be a good approach or would there be better ways/more efficient ways.
When does one notice a change in fps, or when is to expect "there is too much to do and produces micro stuttering" or something like that?
Well you can just show the fps on the screen with various other stats. The other method would be to use profiling methods your game engine/framework provides. If it doesn't provide any, you can use an external profiler with or without a debugger.
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