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#ASK Hi, I have just joined a new company as a

fresher.The tech stack is spring boot and mongo db. My company is using GCP and I have no idea about it .
Can anyone tell me resources (blog or YouTube video) where I can learn these things.
There are so many courses online but they are mainly focused on certification going in so many nitty gritty details. I want to learn it through I a programmer's perspective like why do we need it ,how like this.
Can you suggest any resources?

1 ответов

8 просмотров

Per my experience, you won't be able to cut corners, you'll have to go through those nitty gritty details in order to be able to work with it. And the better you know the details - the more effective you are as a developer, especially when it comes to edge cases. Knowing cloud services you're using is like knowing database your work with. The only thing I can suggest - is to not learn about cloud services/apis that you don't need. So ask your team mates / leads to give you the list of gcp cloud services you are using in priority order. Here's the list of what I can be sure is needed: - gcloud - it's not cloud service, but CLI client - it's worth to get familiar with it, most important features - auth login, auth application-default login, configuration set - IAM - knowing accounts, roles, permissions, etc. is very important - Secret Manager - you'll be storing all the passwords, keys, etc. here - Cloud Storage (GCS) - storage buckets, it's like cloud file system with high availability and atomic operations, you'll use it to store files - Compute Engine - your VMs - PubSub - this really depends on your project, but most likely it will use PubSub; if it does, then learn it thoroughly - Kubernetes - IF your project is deployed to kubernetes, then you'll have to learn it to work effectively - Cloud Functions - IF your project is deployed as functions - Logging - it's easy, but you'll need to play around with query language to learn how to filter logs properly

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