how to integrate JWT to Spring-boot? I have googled/watched tutorials. but seems like there is always something missing or deprecated
I am on Spring-boot 3
Dan Vega on YouTube has good tutorials on integrating JWT with Spring Boot, he's actually affiliated with Spring so he knows what he is talking about. He gives a good quick start, but you will be better off also supplying that with googling about OAuth2 specs and reading documentation about Spring Resource Server or Resource Client (depending what is your goal), they explain it quite well how it integrates with Spring Security
thank you so much
Also check out Laur Spilca's channel, he has written a book on Spring Security and has excellent playlist about this topic, including JWT => His lessons are quite long and slow, but very down to earth with lots of explanations and visuals. If you manage to sit through them all you will have adecent grasp on how it works
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