Похожие чаты

I'M working on an application that the server retrieves currency

rates from a third-party-api and saves it in its database; for the purpose of real-time chart plotting. The challenge is to provide rate series for different intervals (e.g., 4 hours, 1 day, weekly, monthly) while saving rates every 5 to 8 seconds. To avoid overwhelming data transmission, I calculate the average within each interval.

Is this a database problem? e.g. there is Influxdb for time series DB but I haven't done comprehensive research on it, or this is both algorithm and database choice one.

My tech stack comprises TypeScript, Prisma, MySQL, and Nest.js.

1 ответов

23 просмотра

Compact the data on insert, accumulating on the smallest unit you will display, e.g day will hold total for that day

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