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Hi guys I have a conceptual map of string to

type like

"1", typeClass1

Now depending on the string I want to call the function of mapped type, is it possible to do it using templates and not a if then else tree ?

Looking for one liner or short templated form of the if then else tree I would create matching the string and routing to specific type..

So how to generate the actual map and compressed templates router

2 ответов

6 просмотров

You could test something like: template <typename T> void foo(std::string s, T t) { std::map<std::string, T> mp; // ... } And inside the function check for properties of the T using e.g., requires. This page has useful info: https://akrzemi1.wordpress.com/2020/01/29/requires-expression/

You can't use a std::string. You can use a class that you create which has compile time properties that allows string comparison and then use that class as the key for the map

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