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I have a div which is absolute Which is an image So

when I gave top:-100px
It’s going inside other div
I gave zIndex large number but still it’s going inside a div

How do I debug this ?

19 ответов

8 просмотров

To debug the issue with your absolute positioned div going inside another div despite setting a large zIndex, you can follow these steps: 1. Check the CSS properties of the parent div: Make sure that the parent div has the CSS property position set to either relative or absolute. If the parent div doesn't have a position set, the child div with absolute positioning may not behave as expected. 2. Verify the z-index values: Ensure that the z-index value of the parent div is lower than the z-index value of the child div. The child div should have a higher z-index value to appear above the parent div. Double-check that the z-index values are set correctly and there are no conflicting z-index values in other elements. 3. Inspect the HTML structure: Use your browser's developer tools to inspect the HTML structure and verify if there are any other elements that might be affecting the positioning of your div. Check if there are any overlapping elements or if the parent div has any overflow or clipping properties that might be affecting the visibility of the child div. 4. Check for any conflicting CSS properties: Look for any CSS properties that might be conflicting with the positioning of your div. For example, check if there are any float, display, or clear properties that might be affecting the layout. 5. Test in different browsers: Sometimes, certain browser-specific issues can affect the positioning of elements. Test your code in different browsers to see if the issue persists across all of them or if it's specific to a particular browser. 6. Simplify your code: If the issue still persists, try to create a minimal, reproducible example of your code and remove any unnecessary elements or styles. This can help isolate the problem and make it easier to identify the cause. By following these steps, you should be able to identify and resolve the issue with your absolute positioned div going inside another div.

Thanks ChatGPT

We should start issuing warns or something

Who do you think you are helping?

What's wrong with sharing answers from ChatGPT?

Robert Ehrmantraut
What's wrong with sharing answers from ChatGPT?

At worst it won't solve the problem, at best it will)

Robert Ehrmantraut
What's wrong with sharing answers from ChatGPT?

That they aren't audited by someone who actually has some expertise in the field, and ChatGPT frequently hallucinates

That they aren't audited by someone who actually h...

Have you tried to use it yourself or just giving answers read from the web? Can you give examples on the hallucinations from ChatGPT for the basic stuff? I mean, in my experience, it's a good tool to use to get a general idea. And if you look at the answer that was provided above, can you point out any misleading statements. I had a look and the main potential problems were highlighted well enough.

Robert Ehrmantraut
Have you tried to use it yourself or just giving a...

It is often wrong about what functions and other stuff is available in libraries, and mixes up frameworks


Zig is a very little used language. There simply is not enough data to train on to get good answers

Zig is a very little used language. There simply i...

Telegraf is a very popular Bot API framework with a lot of answered questions online, and yet ChatGPT is consistently wrong, every single time. The problem with newbies using GPT is that they blame the library, authors, support, the platform, the language, and even themselves, before they think of blaming GPT for a bad answer.

Zig is a very little used language. There simply i...

This is generally the case for problems that are hard to google as well


You're providing an example where the guy asked to build an app from scratch. Plus, it was asked to use zig for which datasets weren't large enough at the time article was published. Our group is dedicated to JS which is far popular.

This is a huge response afterall

I sometimes post huge messages....

This is a huge response afterall

Blind repost of whatever is always a red flag for me

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