Похожие чаты

👉 AIRDROP FAQ 👈 We have prepared FAQ to help you

with the most relevant questions!

• How can I check my airdrop rewards?
• How can I claim my airdrop?
• How to top-up WAVES balance
• What is the $PWR token utility?
• What are the ways to earn income with $PWR tokens?
• How to trade $PWR token?
• Should I wait for upcoming airdrops?

Look for a detailed answer to your questions in this guide:


25 ответов

74 просмотра

Whats wrong? Lol

Hello admin I need help i gave waves address from Trust wallet How to claim token?

00000 sirr

Why you make so complicated ?why you don't directly send to the user wallet ?

Why i didn't receive Airdrop please help me

Very nicely explained claimed and staked thanks 😊👍

I logged in with metamask in wx network , but in power dao web there is no option to login with metamask , what to do now ?? plz add option to connect with metamask

Why is this happening? How do I login?

Nothing received 😢😢😢

Nothing received 😢😢😢

Hello! Most likely, that was because you missed completing a mandatory task. But do not be upset, as there are other upcoming activities! Please read the rules more carefully next time: https://t.me/PWRDAO/36901

How many % apr is stake $pwr for 2 week?

Hi there Daisy! 👋😁 APR of $POWER staking should be around 100-90% at the moment :) However that number may change depending on the activity of governors!

Noah Waves 🌊
Hi there Daisy! 👋😁 APR of $POWER staking should be...

I have stake my rewards 0.01 pwr after 2 week its gonna be 0.019 pwr if 90% apr.??

I have stake my rewards 0.01 pwr after 2 week its ...

It would be in a year 😅 APR, is annual prosentage rate! But it's hard to say for sure for a daily profit, as it changes due to activity of our governors

Sorry i dont know sir 😅

Don't be sorry :) You're new here, we are just happy to help 😌👌

thanks for airdrop

I don't receive any code

I don't receive any code

Hello! You need to submit a one-time 2FA code from your Authenticator app. You can learn more about the account security in this article from WX.Network knowledgebase: https://support.wx.network/en/?q=2fa

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