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Hello there i have prior experience in minimal libraries like

express and echo(go) but i am looking for a more batteries included framework to speed up development
first , what do you think about development speed of spring boot ?
second , i haven't done much work with java , so the licenses and different versions confuse me a bit , i am wondering what limitations will i face if i use openjdk instead of oracle jdk for an enterprise application , or the same questions about java SE and java EE ?

1 ответов

23 просмотра

Everything I'm saying here is very-very subjective. Also, I haven't done much node development, and never done anything from scratch with node, usually worked with modifying existing stuff. My expertise lies more around java ecosystem. For smaller projects, and projects with less security concerns you should be better/faster with node/express. For something more complicated, I feel that you'll be faster with java+spring-boot. BUT assuming that you learn java + spring-boot well, of course. It's way more complicated and feature-rich compared to node+express. You'll always be faster with tools you know well, compared to tools that you don't know)) Plus one important note - spring-boot in most cases requires more cpu+ram than equivalent node app. Regarding "spring-boot vs java-ee". Short answer - those are two different frameworks which have common roots and similar ideas. My personal recommendation - pick spring-boot. It's prevalent, it has better and cleaner evolution strategy, and it's way easier to find information about it or about any issues you face with it. Regarding "so the licenses and different versions confuse me a bit". Long story short - don't use "oracle jdk", use any other free jdk distribution. Google for "temurin jdk", "azul jdk" for example. The best possible option - https://sdkman.io/ . Just install jdk and anything else you need from java ecosystem with it. You'll be able to easily install/uninstall/switch versions with this tools manager. Can't say anything about golang and its ecosystem, don't have much experience with it. Based on the style of your question, it feels that you're a solo freelancer. If that's the case, I don't see much sense in learning java/srping-boot. You won't be doing any complex project in solo, so I highly doubt that all the invested time you spend on learning java+spring-boot will return to you for small projects. IMHO.

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