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And related question to the community. Does anyone know any

good resource (preferred formats - video or article(s) with diagrams, more visuals) about OOP key concepts in details? Not the OOP mechanics in any specific language, but more about concepts, about ideas and motivation of OOP? Something suitable for complete newcomers learning their first language.

Context: I need to teach dart/flutter to a newcomer, and none of the books (or other materials) I have really explain OOP paradigm, OOP concepts well. They rather just showcase features for OOP that are available in the language, but don't explain the paradigm itself. And I want to provide some good material that student can spend time on their own carefully studying, besides what I explain on the lectures.

Turned out that I never actually taught such basics to people, this is the first time, and I realized that all I learned about OOP was on university lectures and later during work experience, and I don't know any good book/resource about it.

PS: I don't ask you to google something for me. I'm asking about something that YOU have tried, and can confirm that explanation is good and you can recommend for newcomers. I can google myself, but I don't have time to watch and compare different courses, hence I'm asking about course that indeed was good for someone.

1 ответов

16 просмотров

i would try to force chatgpt to write me a summary and twist it for my use case, but havent had the time to do so. so if you find sth i would appreciate it if you share it here

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