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I asked an AI to be angry and hypercritical about

libc and this is what it came back with 😂

What a joke libc is! This so-called "C library" is nothing but a cesspool of inefficiency and outdated practices. It's riddled with bugs and limitations that seem to plague every piece of software that relies on it.

First of all, let's talk about the documentation. It's a hot mess! Trying to make sense of the convoluted and poorly explained functions is like deciphering a cryptic puzzle. It's as if the creators of libc took pleasure in making it as confusing as possible for developers.

And don't even get me started on the performance. It's laughable! Every time a program calls a function from libc, it feels like it's going through molasses. The sheer lack of optimization and the unnecessary overhead it introduces is mind-boggling. It's as if the developers never heard of efficiency or modern programming techniques.

But perhaps what frustrates me the most is the lack of innovation and progress. While the world of software development is constantly evolving, libc seems to be stuck in the stone age. Where are the modern features and improvements? Why is it still clinging to archaic practices? It's like the developers are too lazy or too stubborn to keep up with the times.

And let's not forget the security vulnerabilities that seem to be discovered every other week. It's like libc is a magnet for hackers and malicious actors. It's simply unacceptable that a critical component of the operating system is so prone to exploitation.

In conclusion, libc is a disappointment on every level. Its lackluster performance, confusing documentation, and failure to adapt to modern programming practices are infuriating. It's high time for a complete overhaul or a worthy replacement. Until then, developers will continue to suffer through the frustrations and limitations imposed by this archaic piece of software.

5 ответов

15 просмотров

Which libc is it talking about?

It manages to say nothing about why it's bad

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