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Are there good courses/moocs about stochastics/probability theory? I'm looking for

something which explains the why behind this stuff a little bit better. What ressources are helpful?

2 ответов

6 просмотров

Did you created your own course already?

Hans- Автор вопроса
Witold 🖤🩶
Did you created your own course already?

Well no, but I've started an online math program. It's quite expensive (50$/month) and demanding in a way, but it works incredible well in teaching me math.I learned some basic probability like The Law of Total Probability and the have a course Mathematics for Machine Learning which has more Probability stuff in it. I find the price totally worth for what I get out of it, I've already closed a lot of gaps while working on their Foundations series which is targeted at adult learners. (https://www.mathacademy.com/)

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