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@MrThieves If I understand what you asked, you are wanting

to implement a system where a user can add items to a list. For an item to be added, the user enters some search keywords in an input field, and a request is sent to the server, which sends back some possible items, from which the user selects the item to be added to the list. Is this what you want to implement?

6 ответов

8 просмотров

yes that is what i want. and one thing user just select one item from list and then enter another search keyword.

devFojo-Olubo Автор вопроса
Mr Thieves
yes that is what i want. and one thing user just s...

For the search input, in the change event listener, send a request to the server (containing the search characters the user enters. Ensure to use debouncing so as not to send requests every time a new character is typed. Then the server sends in the list of items. You display this result in a dropdown (or whatever way you want to), and the user selects an option. After selecting an option, you add it to the list containing the other selected items, and also update the database. I think this should work

devFojo Olubo
For the search input, in the change event listener...

just one thing. 1. i type something in input with debounce fuction. 2. after i get result from server, i show it with datalist. 3. then client select one of the result from list. 4. what should i do? is there any event for datalist or input that i get when something selected and i can update result? i just want this function only called when i select something from datalist.

devFojo-Olubo Автор вопроса
devFojo Olubo
Yes, for input; input event

i am talking about after i get data from server. that event is for when something changed in input.

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