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Hi folks, new to python coming from js land. i have

a cli script that asks user certain questions every time they interact with the script and creates a google spreadsheet based on the answers.

now couple questions:
1. i want to populate previously entered answers when user interacts with it. what are the storage options in python for a cli app? should i use a csv file in the local and load it from there or go for sqlite?

2. If i want to make a ui out of it and cater for non-technical folks who are not used to command line, what are the options i have? what are the options in python if i want to deploy it as a web app or package it as a windows app?

12 ответов

16 просмотров

1. sqlite 2. https://github.com/spyoungtech/FreeSimpleGUI

sqlite or even text file if it's enough in your case Tkinter is ugly as hell but it's builtin to python so you won't need to install anything

Mohammed-Zeeshan Автор вопроса

okay folks, my python app is ready. now where can i easily deploy? these are the imports i have import json import secrets from datetime import datetime import gspread from google.oauth2.credentials import Credentials from google_auth_oauthlib.flow import Flow from google.auth.transport.requests import Request from telegram import Update, InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup from telegram.ext import Application, CommandHandler, CallbackQueryHandler, MessageHandler, filters, ContextTypes, ConversationHandler

Mohammed Zeeshan
okay folks, my python app is ready. now where can ...

anywhere that can run Python. if you try to look for something free, really not much. better allocate some money, eg. USD 5 per month and get a Digital Ocean VPS

Mohammed Zeeshan
okay folks, my python app is ready. now where can ...

I mean, for a hobby bot, isn't it just as easy to keep it running from a laptop?

gcloud free

how Google Cloud is free?

very simpl.. but it's offtopic

if it is related to Python hosting in Google Cloud, it it on topic. I never came across Google Cloud is free, except maybe for free tier, but it will never free forever

Fayaz Khan
I mean, for a hobby bot, isn't it just as easy to ...

that laptop would need to run constantly. it makes more sense to host that bot somewhere

Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
if it is related to Python hosting in Google Cloud...

yea i'm also not a friend of hosting it there. honestly, for me it makes most sense to host it on your own server. something that costs like $2 to $3 per month

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