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Https://Type.Fit/Api/Quotes How can I get the "text" here randomly? When

I press a button it will bring up a random quote.

16 ответов

3 просмотра
⁣-Ayyıldız Автор вопроса

It should not bring the same quote again until the series is finished.

const pick = list => list[Math.floor(Math.random() * list.length];

⁣-Ayyıldız Автор вопроса
const pick = list => list[Math.floor(Math.random...

https://medium.com/@omar.rashid2/fisher-yates-shuffle-a2aa15578d2f I want the transactions to be as fast as possible. After doing some research, I saw that there is a method called fisher yates.

You don't need to shuffle

I want to control multiple video tags with some chat messages divs all based on a global current_time var with a seekbar what should I do?


⁣-Ayyıldız Автор вопроса

i did i did. for some reason i wanted to copy it into an array and shuffle it but i got it done without shuffling it.

⁣-Ayyıldız Автор вопроса

why can't i put this here, it gives "undefined" error

show error

let cat=data.targetGroup.reduce((acc,item)=>{ let angle="angle"; let crop="cropping" acc[angle]=[...acc.angle,...item.properties.angle]; acc[crop]=[...acc.cropping,...item.properties.cropping]; return acc; },{angle:[],cropping:[]}); better way to write this code quality

⁣-Ayyıldız Автор вопроса

doesn't write, if you want to review: https://codepen.io/3fs/project/editor/DeyqRw (api.js)

⁣-Ayyıldız Автор вопроса
Yeah there's no reason to shuffle here

When taking random quotes, sometimes the same quote appears twice. So is it necessary to shuffle it up? with fisher yates vs

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