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Guys can i compile a library with msvc 2010 and

use it in a app that uses msvc2013?

13 ответов

7 просмотров

DLL should work, lib probably not

Can you compile in msvc 2013 version for 2010?


DLL should work, lib probably not

DLL would probably work, but I don't recommend it though.


in a paper msvc dlls are abi compatible upto 1 version up and down

Пользователь 61653

Is too late to find a new job? 😔 People using deprecated tech should suffer themselves, not forcing suffering on developers.

I don’t know about app! But in Ms/Window system “Yes”. Backward compatibility is good idea.

If you use MSVC/2010 older compiler as compared to MSVC/2013; some of the compiler features including processor support might be missing; but as generic ISA might be supported, instead of newer version of ISA. As generic it will run!!

You need to install older version of “runtime” Libs as bundles available for MSVC. (Both debug & non-debug Libs available) Check with older PSDK toolkits.

Пользователь-61653 Автор вопроса
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Пользователь 61653
Microsoft says that only 15,17,19 are abi compatib...

Using old compiler, it will take older dll/libs, not the newer version; but you can have backward compatibility on ms/platform by installing the runtimes. With recent compilers; back compatibility is concern; you need to have relevant runtimes that are compatible (including the supported back compatibles ones; not all)

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