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Hello, i have the following problem: I have two classes:

A, B. A has a private field x. I want to give B access to field x, but without a getter or making class B as friend of class A. Any sugestions?

13 ответов

8 просмотров

Why no getter ? It seems odd for descendant to be friend.

you could hack a way around by using offsetof but appart from that idk

You can do some really wierd thing like: Make a function in A that accepts a reference to B as an argument and calls B's function with the value of x. Then split your logic to continue in that function. But that is super wierd and I would not suggest to do that unless you hate the people who will support that code 😄

You can do some really wierd thing like: Make a fu...

mfw the dirty hack I propose is actually clean compared to that xD

I think the better question is, why do you want this?

I think the better question is, why do you want th...

Agreed, I am quite confused on how the friend is not acceptable given that is is the very usecase for it

kn07-_ Автор вопроса
I think the better question is, why do you want th...

Because one function call for each mesh is expensive.

kn07-_ Автор вопроса
You can do some really wierd thing like: Make a fu...

Well, it's a good ideea, but the whole point is to avoid function call.

kn07 _
Because one function call for each mesh is expensi...

Have you measured the impact? I'd suggest rethinking your architecture if A needs to access a private member of B and you can't do function call. But yeah,... Lack of context

and i did not talk about your question sir.

kn07-_ Автор вопроса
kn07 _
It would be better to make my repo public?

one philosophy of making the source code open is that anybody that are interested and have enough time and resources could help. if you want that so do what mr linus torvalds did that made linux a good product among human created disasters

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